sexta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2008

So long bad, bad blues

"So long, scarecrow
So long bad mood
So long prescription pills
So long bad blues
Oh, we don't care anymore

So long, liar
What transpired
What did you expect?
Kindness for tread neglect
Oh oh
We don't care anymore

So long, lonesome
Know what you've done
Smoking a cigarette
Praying that we'll forget
Oh, we don't care anymore

So long, scarecrow
Sorry you're sad
You say you lost everything
Some things you never had
Oh, we don't care anymore
We don't care anymore."
Scarling - So long, scarecrow

"So long, scarecrow
So long, bad, bad news
So long, suicide
Looks like the joke's on you
So long, cigarette
While you speak in tongues
So long, small town
You're not the only one
[Love you]

We don't really care
We don't really care
We don't really care no more
I don't really care
I don't really care
I don't really care no more

So long, headache
Staring to the sun
So long, valentine
Unrivalled and undone
So long, enemy
I was yours to choose
So long, scarecrow
So long, bad, bad news
[Bad news]

I don't really care
I don't really care
I don't really care no more
We don't really care
We don't really care
We don't really care no more

I don't really care
I don't really care
I don't really care
Scarling - Staring to the sun


É bom ter te esquecido, definitivamente, desta vez. É bom quando você se livra de algo que estava te destruindo.

É bom me sentir bem comigo mesma o tempo todo. É bom me sentir bonita, confiante e etc.É bom eu finalmente perceber o quão sortuda eu sou por ter irmãos tão maravilhosos e os melhores amigos do mundo, e uma vida ótima.

É bom estar bem, bem de verdade. Não pulando de alegria, mas muito satisfeita comigo mesma e com a vida.

É bom? É ótimo.

E é muito bom quando você consegue se esforça um pouco e consegue alguma coisa que você queria bastante [ou alguém, hihihi :x].

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